If you notice any issues with your Firestick or Amazon DVR system try these steps below, as most of the time they will correct your problems.
RESET / POWER CYCLE: (refer to the picture to the left) your firestick will look like the device pictured, and will be plugged into your TV or stereo receiver. There will be a thin wire plugged into the side of the firestick, this wire is your power cord. *note* your power cord should always use the 110v adapter to plug into a traditional outlet or have a usb adapter if you plug it into your TV's usb port. Plugging the power cord directly into a usb port will cause your firestick to overheat and may damage it.
SOFTWARE UPDATE: Probably the most common cause to any issue you will run into on a Firestick, as updates are released very commonly by amazon. Your Firestick will typically automatically update, but that is not always the case. Normally, if your firestick seems to be acting slow or abnormal, a software update is needed. To update, follow the steps below.
***Important note*** If you have an Amazon Recast DVR, check ALL of your firesticks for updates (even if it's on a TV you rarely use!). If one of the firesticks are out of date, it can mess with the other firesticks connected to your DVR.
POWER CYCLING: One of the most common fixes to just about any electronic you will run into. As you may know, just about every electronic works like a little computer now days, and just like normal computers they can freeze up or sometimes just do abnormal things that cause it to malfunction. Doing a power cycle will typically fix these minor hiccups. To power cycle your device, it is as simple as unplugging the power cord from electric and then plugging it back it. Many devices have capacitors in them that retain power for a certain amount of time. Typically, we recommend leaving the device unplugged for about 30 seconds. If that doesn't fix the issue try it again and leave it unplugged for 3-5 minutes before plugging it back in. If that still doesn't work, then there is probably something else going on with the system that either requires a software / firmware update, a wiring issue, or something else underlying that may require a professional technician to diagnose and fix.
SOFTWARE / FIRMWARE UPDATES: Probably the next most common cause to any issue you will run into on any of your devices. Nearly every device that connects to the internet will require a software or firmware update at one point or another. Each device will typically have a place in their "Settings" menu to do the update, but the exact location may vary from device to device. Usually, they will either have it in it's own category that will say "Firmware update" or "Software update", or may possibly even say "Check for Updates". Other devices may have it in the "Support" category of the settings menu, where you will then see one of those terms. If you cannot find it in those categories, we recommend referring to the owner's manual of your device, where they will point out where the updates can be found in the menu.